Whilst we have continued to work with regular and new clients, at Frameworks we have been quietly contemplative for some time, considering what is important and how to best deliver on that.
After two sabbaticals (oh yes!) and much reflection, here is what has evolved.
Image by Victoria Strukovskaya, Unsplash
Our focus
The context for our work remains leadership and culture. The primary focus of our work is on managers as the expression and conduit of these.
In terms of culture, engagement, and performance we believe that managers are the most impactful people in the organisation. We need brilliant leadership absolutely (and many great consultants are offering programs in that space).
But, for the people who work in the organisation, it is the managers who provide their most direct experience of the day-to-day culture of the organisation. It is managers who people leave or follow; it is the managers who do, or don’t, provide great direction and support; and it is the managers who manage, or not, the performance of their teams.
And woefully, at a time when they most need it, managers are often the least trained or supported people in the organisation. So, in response to this we have developed our programs accordingly. For details, click below.
Introducing our next endeavour
For the last year or so, we have been busy developing The Praxis of Management, a management onboarding program that we believe will be a game-changer, not only for the managers who participate in it, but for organisations themselves.
Since the establishment of Frameworks in 2003, we have dedicated ourselves to designing programs that make a difference. Of all that we have offered in that time, we believe this will be our most impactful program ever.
We are really excited to see this unfold. So, if you are interested, keep an eye out for further info on Frameworks’ ground-breaking program The Praxis of Management - The Launchpad for New Managers (we will have an info video available soon) or get in touch with us for a chat.
– Helen Rees is Director of Frameworks for Change – a management company whose quest is to transform the world of work.